Jay Whitehead

Economist (PhD)

Ōraka Aparima | Ngāi Tahu | Kāti Māmoe

I use economic tools to reveal the hidden value within people and the environment. Natural ecosystems provide over $145 trillion in services annually through air and water purification, climate regulation, crop pollination, and raw materials. And yet, this value often goes unrecognised. My research has shown that investing in education can return $125 in benefits to the New Zealand economy for every dollar invested. And yet, these enormous financial benefits are not discussed.

My work is focused on revealing hidden value beyond the accountant’s balance sheet. Decision makers often focus on monetary values—the ‘bottom line’. To get attention for topics of critical importance, we need to speak in the language of decision-makers and demonstrate the enormous value provided by nature and communities.

The use cases for this type of analysis are numerous and include:

  • Attracting impact investment

  • Communicating to high-value markets

  • Obtaining funding for environmental and social initiatives

  • Supporting a business case for ‘doing good’

  • Shifting mindsets and ingrained systems

  • Underpinning biodiversity and carbon credits

  • Building community support; and many more.

Multiple organisations have used my research to attract millions in funding. I have worked in the public sector, the private sector, and universities. For the past few years, I have run Matatihi, an organisation focused on inter-generational well-being through helping organisations that share the same vision.

And I do other stuff…

sometimes with a beard on