Every business creates social impacts, and many of these impacts provide significant value. This information can provide a powerful tool for businesses to communicate their positive impact and seek funding.

We have extensive experience in quantifying the social impact of large and small organisations. Our process is transparent and verifiable and utilises the most recent data and methods from the New Zealand Treasury.

A social return on investment analysis is a powerful tool that quantifies the impact of a business in dollars. This could be related to improved education, health, cultural belonging, or numerous other factors, providing businesses with a tangible measure of their social value.

Some of our past clients for this type of analysis include:

·         NgāI Tahu Holdings

·         Pūhoro STEMM Academy

·         Toi Kai Rawa Trust


Sometimes, finding the best path forward can be a challenge. Every decision involves trade-offs, and the implications of these trade-offs are not always obvious. This challenge can be compounded in a group environment where not everyone agrees on the best course of action.

Choice modelling offers a high-tech solution to making optimal decisions. By combining a simple user experience with complex statistical methods, we can help guide you toward great decisions.

Use cases for this include strategic planning, new product or service development, resource allocation decisions, materiality assessment, and numerous other applications.

We have helped multiple organizations with this process, including:

  • Amuri Irrigation Company (strategic planning)

  • Ōnuku Rūnanga (aquaculture development)

  • Pohewa Pae Tawhiti (land use planning)

  • Rakiura Tītī Islands Administering Body (island management), and more.


Businesses create economic impacts that ripple through communities and the nation. For every dollar a business earns, society benefits. A multipliers analysis quantifies these additional benefits, including:

  • Indirect benefits to suppliers

  • Indirect jobs created in communities

  • Additional retail spending due to salaries

  • Additional jobs created from that spending

This type of analysis, while less detailed than a full social impact assessment, provides a valuable tool for any business seeking to understand and communicate their broader contribution to the New Zealand economy. By highlighting the indirect benefits and additional economic activities generated, businesses can demonstrate their positive impact more comprehensively.

Some of our past clients for this work include:

  • Puro New Zealand | Organic Medical Cannabis

  • The Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)

  • Ngāi Tahu Holdings


When we assign a monetary value to nature, it becomes visible to markets, harnessing the vast power of the finance and investment sectors. Natural ecosystems provide over $145 trillion in services annually through air and water purification, climate regulation, crop pollination, and raw materials.

We offer rapid, broad-scale estimations of the value of any type of ecosystem or biodiversity restoration activity. This information is invaluable for communicating impact, seeking funding, and demonstrating value to markets.

Our past clients for this work include:

  • Fonterra

  • Merino New Zealand


Reciprocity is essential for an organisation to flourish in the long term. It forms the foundation of trust and commitment and is crucial for establishing robust value chains and generating shared value.

Tauutuutu is a Māori ethic that has underpinned successful trade relationships for generations. It is based on the concept of mutually beneficial reciprocity that deepens over time. Through extensive research, we have distilled the key requirements for a business to excel using a tauutuutu ethic. We have combined this with robust behavioural economic methods to develop a system that identifies strategic opportunities for a business to enhance its long-term value-generating potential.

The use cases for this method include:

  • Risk mitigation

  • Competitive advantage

  • Improved stakeholder relationships

  • Enhanced employee and stakeholder engagement

  • Improved financial performance

  • Due diligence of potential partners or investments

This is our latest method, currently being trialled with various organisations, and it promises to be a powerful tool for generating organisational value. If you are interested in being part of this development process, please get in touch.