Guided by wisdom. Innovated by science.


We work with you to provide the most relevant information tailored to your needs.
 Be.Aligned is built on modules that your report can include or exclude based on your needs.

Be.Aligned is a data-driven fusion of Indigenous wisdom and economics that values social impact in dollars. It is based on tauutuutu, a reciprocity ethic which has sustained high-value economic relationships for numerous generations. It is delivered through powerful scientific tools, which make use of proven statistical methods and underpinned by extensive data.

Be.Aligned with Funders and Stakeholders

Our economic system speaks in the language of dollars. When organisations communicate their positive impacts in dollars, these impacts become visible to the economy and, therefore, become capable of attracting the significant power it holds to drive change. By using the language of financial markets, funders, and investors, organisations can clearly demonstrate their contributions in a way that resonates with those who have the power to amplify their resources.

Be.Aligned with Society

Be.Aligned goes beyond typical impact assessment frameworks by focusing on how organisations contribute to wellbeing and support reciprocal relationships. This approach identifies critical linkages that stimulate positive outcomes, providing a more comprehensive foundation for assessing impact.

Be.Aligned with Frontier Organisations

The data and methods that power Be.Aligned have been developed through years of extensive research and implementation with some of New Zealand’s great organisations, including:

·         Ngāi Tahu Holdings

·         Pounamu Pathway

·         Pūhoro STEMM Academy

·         Puro Medical Cannabis

·         Zespri

 Be.Aligned with Science

Be.Aligned leverages data from the latest academic studies and databases, applying three primary methods to determine impact:

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

  • This economic method calculates the social impact of an organisation in dollar terms, highlighting the return on investment generated within society.

Multipliers Analysis

  • Organisations stimulate economic impacts that ripple through communities and regions. Multipliers Analysis determines these indirect impacts by calculating indirect employment, increases in household income, and contributions to GDP.

Behavioural Experiments // Tauutuutu

  • Utilising techniques from Behavioural Economics and Social Psychology, this method identifies organisational values and priorities, enabling decision-makers to refine and develop strategies to drive long-term stability.