Prioritising the Big Issues: revealing pertinent sustainability issues with 'big data'

Materiality analysis is a process used to ensure that organisations are focusing on issues that have a direct or indirect impact on an organisation’s ability to create, preserve or erode economic, environmental and social value for itself, its stakeholders and society. It is important to understand a large range of forces driving an organisation towards sustainability (shown in the picture below). Some of these drivers are easier to measure and understand than others.

drivers picture.png

The Drivers of Business Sustainability (Whitehead 2018) 

For example, regulations are either announced before implementation, or are already in effect, and are well documented. Science is reported on and published, and a business usually has at least some understanding of its own performance levels, risks, or weaknesses. What has been harder to measure are stakeholders’ sentiments around sustainability. Understanding which issues consumers or wider society is concerned about typically requires expensive and time-consuming social surveys. However, a new approach to understanding wider public sentiments around different sustainability issues is rapidly becoming possible thanks to ‘big data’ available on internet search behaviour.

I am exploring an approach using ‘big data’ from internet search queries to determine the saliency of different sustainability issues, across different countries, and over time. Based on millions of Google searches, public interest in 64 different sustainability issues has been mapped across eight countries. The data are analysed and trend lines are fitted. Based on aggregate search data, per capita search data, and trends in searches over time, it is possible to establish the importance of different sustainability issues across different cultural contexts, and forecast future salient topics for organisations to address. This information can be a powerful aid in setting organisational sustainability strategies, and tailoring sustainability reporting to public concerns. This page presents the results of different search query studies of interest in sustainability issues.

Internet searches have been shown to reflect real world behaviour, in that, online behaviour is a representation of offline interests. Studies have shown that data from internet search trends closely matches, and is sometimes superior to social surveys when exploring issue saliency. Some scientific studies, which address this line of enquiry, are listed below. In a follow up article, I will be describing the relevancy of internet search trends to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are growing in importance for many businesses.

Jay Whitehead

References (Science Base)

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The new role of technology and Innovation in Business Sustainability


From Sustainability Assessment to Sustainability Transformation